
Risk Minimisation Plan

Childcare Risk Minimisation Plan

Regulation 90(1)(c)(iii) of the Education and Care Services National Regulations requires a risk-minimisation plan and communication plan to be developed in consultation with parents of a child who as a specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition.

The risk-minimisation plan must:

  • Assess and minimise the risks relating to the child’s specific health care need, allergy, or
    relevant medical condition,
  • Outline the practices and procedures that are developed and implemented in relation to
    safe handling, preparation, consumption and service of food (if relevant),
  • Outline the practices and procedures that are developed and implemented for notifying
    parents of any known allergens that pose a risk to the child and the strategies for
    minimising the risks (if relevant),
  • Outline the practices and procedures that are developed and implemented that allow all
    staff members and volunteers to identify the child, the child’s medical management
    plan and the location of the child’s medication,
  • Outline the practices and procedures that are developed and implemented to ensure
    the child does not attend the service without medication prescribed by the child’s
    medical practitioners in relation to the child’s specific health care need, allergy, or
    relevant medical condition (if relevant).

This risk minimisation plan will guide services to assess and minimise the risks relevant to a child’s specific health care need, allergy or relevant medical condition, and develop and implement relevant practices and procedures to assist with managing the medical condition.

If you’re looking to improve your compliance and minimise risk in your service – this guide is for you.

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Meet Steve

Steve holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Commercial Law) and Certificate IV in Children’s Services (Outside School Hours Care). He has over 15 years experience working in OSHC, and is currently studying a Diploma of School Age Education and Care.

Throughout his career, Steve has worked for a variety of providers, from large corporate providers that operate multiple services to small community and faith-based organisations that operate just one service, and everything in between.

Prior to joining Firefly HR Steve worked at the National Authority (ACECQA), within the Sector Information Services team and the Quality Support Program. The latter role saw him provide mentoring and coaching to service leaders from across NSW.

A natural motivator and skilful leader, Steve has a proven track record of transforming services, making him a sought-after consultant and workshop presenter.

Need help from one of Australia’s most experienced and accomplished childcare consultants?

Acknowledgement of Country

At Firefly HR, we acknowledge the traditional owners of the land we work & connect with you from today. As a base, Firefly HR connects from the land of the Garigal or Caregal people, and would like to acknowledge all 29 clan groups of the Eora Nation.

At Firefly HR, we connect – although online, and meet by story sharing, learning, taking on non verbal queues, deconstruct and reconstruct information, and move in non linear directions at times. We use symbols without realising, and link with our own land and community.

This is all interconnected. We are utilising Aboriginal pedagogy with these processes and in our daily work.

We acknowledge the land that we are on today has been the core of all spirituality, language, knowledge, and sacred sites. This knowledge is what us and others need to embrace to ensure a future for our children and our children’s children.

We need to hear, respectfully, and listen.

As a guiding principle to the National Quality Framework that Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are valued, we are working on building the foundations here and believe a strong, meaningful acknowledgement of country is important.